Start the Internship Process in 5 easy steps

Make sure your Internship process runs smoothly by following these easy steps:


1. Weeks 15 – 20 Prepare for your upcoming Placement Consultation

2. Do you have your own paid IT or Accounting job that you want to use for Internship? Or, have you sourced your own Unpaid Internship?

Yes - see the Internship FAQ Sheet, and note the documents to provide us in your Consultation (page 2) -  add link (Internship FAQ)

No  - Prepare your resume to show your Placement Consultant

Use these professional resume templates to create your Internship resume.

Add links – (Placement Preparation resume 1 and 2).

3. Week 19   - Complete the Employment Status Update – let us know if you have your own Internship or not

4. Week 20 -  Complete the Placement Questionnaire (takes 5 minutes and tells us what type of Internship you are looking for)

5. Week 21  - Look out for the email from your Consultant, and book in for your Consultant (mandatory whether you have your own Internship or not) -  Bring your resume, or Internship documents to your Consultation


Questions? Contact us  -

Resources (Click to Download):

Placement Preparation Resume 1

Placement Preparation Resume 2

Internship FAQ